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the infinite source appearing momentarily as sound

an immersive symphony of gongs, singing bowls, drums, electronics and musical mastery that evoking profound clarity and relaxation.

serene illumination

solo and small group performances that blur the boundaries between musical concert, poetry reading and Zen koans.

music & words

an evolving musical collective dedicated to improvisation and innovation.

not always so

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Serene Illumination

sound bath meditation

A concert for body, heart and soul. An immersive symphony of gongs, singing bowls, drums, electronics and musical mastery that evoking profound clarity and relaxation. 


Humans have used sound to soothe the body and heart, to gather joyously in community, and to transport themselves into deep states of contemplation for thousands of years. When the vibrations of musical instruments align with the body’s energy field the mystery unfolds and something deeply relaxing, and profoundly healing becomes real. 

music & words
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Music & Words

Solo and small group performances that blur the boundaries between musical concert, poetry reading and Zen koans. An impressionistic experience in word-sound metamorphosis. 

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Not Always So

An evolving musical collective dedicated to improvisation and innovation, loosely organized around Butch Morris’ “conduction method” and non-dual experiences of consciousness.


Through rehearsals, workshops and performances this ever-expanding ensemble explores the infinite possibilities of spontaneous musical production and direction while explicitly noting and utilizing contemplative techniques for shifting consciousness perspectives. 

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